Dear Customer / Dear Supplier,
We must inform you that Meccanotecnica Umbra Group has suffered a cyber-attack in recent days which has resulted in the possibility for people outside our organization to infiltrate our systems. The incident occurred despite all the security measures put in place following our risk analysis.
Our cybersecurity team, also supported by external experts, has successfully completed internal investigations. Through forensic analysis, we were able to trace the attack method of the authors, thus optimizing the security of our systems.
However, it is not technically possible to accurately ascertain the extent and type of data subject to exfiltration, so we must consider it possible that even your identification data and bank details are in the possession of those who launched the attack. The personal references of your employees or consultants who have had the opportunity to entertain relationships with us may also have been exfiltrated from our systems.
Due to the nature of the personal data being processed (company names and bank references, identification data of partners / employees / consultants of the client / supplier company of MTU Academy), we do not believe there can be a high risk for the rights and freedoms of the people possibly interested, however, we ask you to disseminate this communication to all your employees and consultants who work with our Group, so that all related accounts are kept under strict control, disclosing to us any suspicious activity that should be detected.
Any communications of this type may be forwarded to the e-mail address
For any further clarification, for which we remain at your complete disposal, you can contact our Data Protection Officer / Data Protection Officer at
Meccanotecnica Umbra Academy S.r.l.